A drama school where everyone is welcome and no one is ever forgotten

Frances’ School of Drama (FSD), established 26 years ago, is one of a kind. An Independent Drama School where every child matters. It’s like a big family , where everyone is welcome and no one forgotten. All our teachers are fully qualified, enthusiastic and approachable.
We find that our mix of children with talent, with talent waiting to be found, with confidence that needs a little boost, or simply with a love for performing, provides a friendly, hardworking atmosphere for all students.

FSD is special.
As a parent what I loved most about the teachers approach is that all the kids are made to feel welcome and valued, whether they were introvert or extrovert- we had one of each!

Thank you for all you do for the pupils you teach. You give them priceless talent of self belief, self esteem, confidence and a place to be part of a big family and have good fun.


Congratulations to our younger musical theatre classes who recently performed Frozen. It was so lovely seeing the children so excited in the wings before they went on and then their beaming faces on stage!

Our senior musical students loved working on our recent performances of Chicago. The energy and enthusiasm on and off stage was wonderful . Bravo!